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Bill Calculator Worksheet

If you're on our basic Residential Schedule 1 rate, you can use our Bill Calculator Worksheet to see how your bill is calculated. This worksheet is helpful to understand and estimate the various charges that make up your monthly bill.

You can open this worksheet in Excel or using a number of free programs, including Microsoft Office Online, Google Sheets, and LibreOffice.

Bill summary subsection with numbered labels

Find this section highlighted on the bill below.

Bill image with summary highlighted
  1. Account Number
    Your Dominion Energy account number.
  2. Due Date
    The date your payment is due.
  3. Total Amount Due
    Includes usage from the previous month, credits and any Balance Forward (12).
  4. Previous Amount Due
    The total charges on your previous month's bill.
  5. Payments as of [Date]
    A statement of payments made as of the given date.
Bill meter and usage subsection with numbered labels

Find this section highlighted on the bill below.

Bill image with meter and usage section highlighted
  1. Meter and Usage
    Your current Billable Usage (8) and your historical usage for the previous year.
  2. Current Billing Days
    The number of days in the current billing cycle.
  3. Billable Usage
    The difference between your Current Reading (10) and Previous Reading (11).
  4. Total kWh
    The unit we use to measure your energy use, kilowatts per hour (kWh).
  5. Measured Usage: Current Reading
    The meter reading showing your current month's energy use. The difference between your Current Reading and Previous Reading (11) is your Billable Usage (8).
  6. Measured Usage: Previous Reading
    The meter reading showing your previous month's energy use.
Bill detail subsection with numbered labels

Find this section highlighted on the bill below.

Bill image with bill detail highlighted
  1. Balance Forward
    The difference between the Previous Amount Due (4) and Payments (5).
  2. Schedule
    The rate schedule used to calculate your bill (in this sample bill, Residential Schedule 1). Learn more about rate schedules.
  3. Distribution Service
    The cost for the equipment (such as wires and transformers) we use to deliver electricity to your home or business.
  4. Electricity Supply Svc (ESS)
    The cost for the generation, transmission and fuel to move electricity. For a more detailed explanation, please refer to your rate schedule.
  5. Non-Bypassable Charges
    Charges to recover the costs of clean energy and environmental programs that cannot be avoided per Virginia law regardless of your generation supplier.
  6. Rider PIPP Universal Service Fee
    A Non-bypassable Charge to recover costs supporting the Percentage of Income Payment Program (PIPP) established in the Virginia Code. PIPP is a partnership with the Dept of Housing and Community Development and the Dept of Social Services, and is intended to assist customers in need.
  7. Sales and Use Surcharge
    A fee we charge to recover sales tax on certain Dominion Energy Virginia purchases and leases, based on your electricity consumption.
  8. State/Local Consumption Tax, Utility Tax
    These taxes are prescribed by The State Code of Virginia, and are calculated per kWh based on your usage.
  9. Total Current Charges
    Your current Billable Usage (8) charged according to your Schedule (13), plus the service fees and taxes described above (14-18).
  10. Total Account Balance
    The sum of your Total Current Charges (19) and any Balance Forward (12).
Bill important information subsection with numbered labels

Find this section highlighted on the bill below.

Bill image with important information section highlighted
  1. Important Customer Information
    Timely information such as special messages, limited-time offers and promotions.

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