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For the remainder of the weekends between June 15 and October 30 during which there are no advanced planned releases, conditions may occur that allow short-term planning and notification of flows for whitewater paddling. Such conditions will not be known until the US Army Corps of Engineers determines the weekly declaration for the upcoming week.

Dominion Energy will post the short-term planned releases in the table below by 10 AM each Friday during the recreation flow season. Flow conditions that must occur before these planned short-term releases are posted:

  1. The weekend is not an advanced planned release weekend.
  2. If the weekly declaration is >6,000 cfs, no paddler flows will be planned.
  3. If the weekly declaration is ≤6,000 cfs, but >4,000 cfs, one day of paddler flow will be planned.
  4. If the weekly declaration is ≤4,000 cfs, two days of paddler flows will be planned.
Start Date End Date Comment
8/31/2024 9/1/2024 2,000 CFS

WARNING! Floods, unexpected generating unit starts and other events can cause water release schedules and river conditions to change with little or no notice. Paddlers should always wear a US Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device and a protective helmet designed for whitewater paddling while engaged in water-sport activities.

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