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Project Information

Need for the project: The Feeder Line 12 replacement project is located in Salt Lake City from Flyer Way to North Temple. This project is necessary to keep pace with increased demand for natural gas due to customer growth along the Wasatch Front. It will also enhance our ability to continue providing safe, clean, reliable natural gas service by replacing aging infrastructure and making our system easier to monitor and maintain.

Location: This section of natural gas pipeline is located in Salt Lake City. It runs down Flyer Way to 1120 North then along 1120 North to 2200 West. Then follows 2200 West to North Temple. See map for exact route.

Construction Schedule: We are committed to completing this work as quickly and with as little inconvenience to local businesses and residents as possible. Crews are scheduled to start in April 2022 and finish in late fall 2022. To expedite construction, multiple crews may be working simultaneously at various locations and may perform nighttime and weekend work. No interruption to residents’ natural gas service is anticipated during this project.

To provide room for crews and equipment, some temporary lane restrictions, especially at intersections, will be necessary. Please drive carefully and obey all signs and flaggers. To avoid congestion in construction zones, motorists are advised to use alternate routes when possible and to allow plenty of travel time to get where they're going. At all times, our crews will make every effort to maintain access to businesses and driveways in construction zones.

We appreciate your patience.

June 20, 2024

  • Crews have moved down to the 11400 South area and are working in both directions north and south. They are projected to be done from 10400 South to11400 South by winter of 2024.

Dominion Energy and our contractor, Canyon Pipeline of Phoenix, AZ, are committed to completing this project safely and on schedule while minimizing as much as possible any inconvenience to local businesses and residents. To accomplish this, some work may be performed at night and on weekends. This will reduce impacts on morning and evening commutes. We will adhere to all county noise-reduction ordinances. Canyon Pipeline has more than 40 years’ experience in 39 states building pipelines in urban settings.

Construction Zones

For pipe buried beneath streets or highways, construction may require intermittent closures of one or more lanes of traffic. Driveways also may be occasionally blocked by excavation work, otherwise they will be plated to maintain access during business hours and at night and on weekends.

Before construction starts in front of any home or business, a representative will contact the owner or resident to discuss options for maintaining driveway access. Signs notifying the public that businesses remain open during construction are available.

To finish construction on schedule and as quickly as possible, the project is divided into sections, or "spreads." This allows multiple crews to work simultaneously at different locations. Work zones can range from a single intersection to several blocks long. At any one location the amount of time to cut pavement, install new pipe and replace asphalt can range from several days to several weeks.

The public can do its part to ensure construction proceeds safely and on time by finding alternative routes, driving carefully in construction zones and keeping children away from construction sites.

Dominion Energy works closely with city and state transportation officials to ensure safety and minimize inconvenience to drivers and pedestrians. However, for public safety it may be necessary to temporarily close streets and sidewalks or restrict vehicle and pedestrian traffic. As mentioned, driveways may occasionally be blocked by excavation work. We will make every effort to keep these inconveniences as brief as possible. Your patience is appreciated.

If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.

Steps During Construction

Following are brief descriptions of the steps involved in pipeline removal and construction:

  • Locate buried utilities - The area below city streets can be a maze of underground utilities. To avoid damaging these facilities, a procedure known as potholing is used prior to trenching to identify the exact vertical and horizontal location of existing infrastructure, including the pipeline to be replaced.
  • Move existing utilities - Before trenching (see next step), any utilities that cross the new pipe running line may be moved to a lower depth. This will minimize the risk of interrupting water- or gas-service to individual homes or businesses once actual construction begins.
  • Dig trench - After known utilities in the trench zone are located, the pavement above the existing pipe is cut and removed. Then equipment is brought in to dig the trench. The depth of the natural gas pipeline trench will be determined by the location of the existing pipe and other utilities. As the trench is dug, the soil is loaded into trucks and hauled away for disposal in a designated landfill.
  • Directional bore - At some busy intersections, most water crossings and under major roads, instead of trenching, crews will install pipe by boring horizontally underneath the road, stream or canal. The boring machine drills a hole from one side of the road or stream. Pipe is strung on the other side and then pulled back through the hole.
  • Deliver and "string" new pipe - New pipe is manufactured and inspected to ensure it meets industry and federal safety standards. Pipe sections are then delivered by truck to the construction site where they are placed end-to-end (or "strung") on skids adjacent to the trench. If necessary, a hydraulic machine bends pipe sections to fit around obstacles or conform to the direction of the trench.
  • Weld new pipe together and coat - Welding crews join the sections of pipe together into a continuous length. Each welded joint is visually inspected, x-rayed and then coated for protection.
  • Lower pipe into trench - Using one or more pieces of equipment, crews lift and then carefully lower the welded sections of pipe into the trench. Final welds are made to "tie-in" any unconnected sections.
  • Backfill trench - Under streets, in place of the removed soil, a mixture known as "flowable fill" is used to backfill the trench. In other areas, the original soil is replaced.
  • Pressure test new pipe - After it's buried and before it's put into service, the entire length of new pipe is hydrostatically tested to ensure the integrity of the system. This is done by filling the pipe with water, pressurizing the system above its maximum operating conditions and holding the pressure for a specified time. The pipe is drained, cleaned and dried before it is put into service.
  • Clean-up and restore ROW - The final step is to repair the surface over the trench. If necessary, fences or sod may also be replaced.

We take safety seriously. Since its founding in 1929, our company and its affiliates have engaged in every phase of natural gas service, from production and gathering to transportation and distribution. During that time, while delivering the clean and efficient natural gas our customers rely on daily for their comfort and livelihood, we have earned an enviable record for safety and reliability.

  • Visit our Safety section on this site for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Dominion Energy, we are committed to providing safe, reliable natural gas service at the lowest possible cost.

In recent years, as part of our continuing efforts to meet growing demand for natural gas while improving overall system integrity, we have begun replacing vital sections of our underground pipeline system serving the Wasatch Front. In most cases we are replacing older pipe with newer, stronger and larger diameter pipe.

These new pipelines carry more supplies, enabling us to better serve the growing number of new homes and businesses in Utah.

They also enhance safety and reliability by making our system easier to monitor and maintain. Some of the older sections of our system have pipe in varying diameters, ranging from six to 20 inches. Replacing these with pipe of the same diameter makes them accessible to "smart tools. These tools – commonly known as “pigs” – use MRI technology to inspect the pipe interior, making it possible to detect and correct potential problems before they occur.

No. Redundancies in our system should make it possible to replace the existing pipeline without interrupting service to any customers.

If your property is on or adjacent to the right-of-way, you will receive prior notification by mail alerting you to construction. We work closely with residents and city officials to minimize potential impacts on residents' property. If we do need to access its legal right-of-way to work on or near your property, the company will make reasonable efforts to ensure the landscape is returned as closely as possible to its previous state. This does not include replacement, repair or compensation for unauthorized structures, plants, objects and etc. currently located within the right-of-way.

Residents can make the process easier by making sure that items such as large, deep-rooted trees, concrete slabs, sheds, fences or other structures do not encroach upon our right-of-way. These items not only violate right-of-way policy but also pose a safety hazard and may hinder our ability to reach our pipeline in case of emergency or to perform necessary maintenance.

For more information about what is and is not allowed on pipeline rights-of-way, request a company brochure by contacting a representative at 801-324-3149 or view our brochure.

Construction may require temporary lane closures and/or detours. During construction, we strive to maintain traffic in both directions on city streets at all times, however temporary lane restrictions can be expected.

Private driveways and access to side streets and business parking lots may also occasionally be temporarily blocked by excavation work. When not in use, open trenches will be plated to maintain access during business hours, at night and on weekends.

Any changes in traffic or access will be kept to a minimum and will be as brief as possible.

Before construction starts in front of your home or business, a company representative will contact you to discuss where you would like access maintained. Signs notifying the public that businesses are open during construction will be made available for those who request them.

For the latest information on traffic impacts and lane restrictions, visit this site or email us to receive weekly construction updates by email.

Residents can reduce the risk of accidents by driving carefully in construction zones and keeping children away from the construction site. We work closely with city and state transportation officials to ensure safety and minimize inconvenience to drivers and pedestrians during construction.

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