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Chesterfield Energy Reliability Center Public Engagement Opportunities

• Open House Thursday, September 5, 6:00PM-7:30PM at Hyatt Place Chester, 13148 Kingston Avenue, Chester, VA 23836  

• Open House Tuesday, September 10, 6:00PM-7:30PM at Bellwood Community Center, 9010 Quinnford Boulevard, North Chesterfield, VA 23237 

• Open House Tuesday, September 17, 6:00PM-7:30PM at Varina Elementary School 2551 New Market Road, Richmond, VA 23231 

All community open houses will be public events with the project team available to answer questions. Stop in any time during the posted hours- no formal presentation will be given. A Spanish-translator will be available.

Cannot make it to one of our community open houses?

• Office Hours Every Tuesday, September 3 - October 8, 11:00AM-1:00PM at Dominion Energy Training Center, 11501 Old Stage Road, Chester, VA 23836 

Stop in any time during the posted hours- no formal presentation will be given. A Spanish-translator will be available September 3 and October 1.

Ensuring reliable power, every day- Chesterfield Energy Reliability Center

CERC Rendering


At Dominion Energy, we are committed to providing our customers and communities with reliable and affordable around-the-clock energy to power homes, schools, medical centers, and businesses every day.

We are also committed to providing our customers and communities with increasingly clean energy. As we continue our transition to clean energy, it is our responsibility to keep our customers’ lights on during times when demand is the highest. We take this responsibility seriously and are keenly aware that people’s lives depend on us. Keeping the lights on is critically important, as it is the most vulnerable who suffer the most when the power goes out.

With our commitments in mind, we are proposing to build the Chesterfield Energy Reliability Center (CERC). CERC will be an always-ready resource that will provide power quickly- in as little as 10 minutes- and as needed, for example, on the hottest and coldest days of the year. It will not be used as an everyday power source. Instead, it will serve as a power generation source when other sources are unavailable or insufficient to meet our customers’ energy needs.

We are currently in the permitting process for this project. If approved, we anticipate construction to begin in 2026 and the project to begin operations in 2029.

CERC will be located on the existing Dominion Energy-owned Chesterfield Power Station property, near the still operating Chesterfield Power Station Units 7 & 8.


Benefits for Chesterfield County

During Construction (Total)

540+ direct, indirect and induced jobs.

local annual output
$53 Million in local economic output.

money bill assist
$10.9 Million in associated local wages and benefits.

State and local tax revenue
$2.2 Million in state and local tax revenue.

During Operations (Annual)


35 direct, indirect and induced local jobs.

local annual output

$25 Million in annual local economic output.

money bill assist
$3.5 Million in associated local wages and benefits.

State and local tax revenue
$142.6 Million in new tax revenue (approx. 36-year cumulative).

Meeting the Energy Demand

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CERC will include four natural gas-powered simple cycle turbines. It will also include a 7-day supply of fuel oil. Coupled with the potential for future hydrogen-blend use, CERC will act as an “always ready” generation resource that can be quickly deployed on the hottest and coldest days and serve as backup generation when other resources are unavailable or insufficient to meet customer needs. It will not require any new pipelines or transmission infrastructure outside of Dominion Energy-owned property.

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CERC will be able to be deployed and shut down in as little at 10 minutes, allowing us to quickly adapt to our customers energy needs. The technology used is flexible in that it can run for short or long durations, ensuring it is ready when needed but will not have to run when it is not needed.
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Each of the four CERC turbines will be able to generate up to 250 MW, with the entire project able to generate up to a total of 1,000 MW. 1,000 MW is enough energy to power up to 250,000 homes.

Hand with branch
CERC will be constructed using state-of-the-are technology and will be constructed and operated to be fully protective of air quality, the environment, and the surrounding communities- both frontline communities and the greater community as a whole. When operating, CERC will produce fewer emissions overall, including carbon emissions, compared to the retired coal units at Chesterfield Power Station.
CERC will provide reliable energy as well as additional positive impacts for the surrounding Chesterfield community and Commonwealth. According to a third-party report completed April 2023 by Mangum Economics, the project is estimated to create over 540 jobs, produce over $2.2 million in state and local tax revenues, and contribute over $53 million in local economic activity during construction. The same report estimates that CERC will also provide an estimated 35 direct and indirect jobs, produce $142.6 million in new tax revenues, and annually contribute $25 million in local economic activity during its operation.

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