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The Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) is responsible for verifying the need, approving the route and structures and reviewing the environmental impact of certain transmission lines in Virginia.

On March 14, 2024, Dominion Energy filed its application with the SCC. Documents related to the case are available to the public on the SCC Docket of the SCC website or search by Case No. PUR-2024-00035 in the “Search Cases” section. In addition, interested parties may comment directly to the SCC regarding this project by sending an email to

To learn more about this process, view our SCC process map.

SCC Timeline for Phase 1

  • May 31st, 2024 - Newspaper, Landowner, and Government Official Notice
  • June 19th, 2024 - Proof of Notice and Publication
  • August 26th, 2024 – Deadline for interested person comments, Notice of Participation deadline, Deadline to request a hearing
  • September 4th, 2024 – Company response to requests for hearing
  • September 18th, 2024 – Staff Report deadline
  • October 2nd, 2024 – Company Rebuttal deadline

Dominion Energy anticipates filing an application for Phase 2 (Aquia Harbour-Possum Point) of the project in late Summer 2024. More information related to the case number and application volumes will be added here once filed.

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